Thursday 31 March 2011



SARK, one of my favourite writers, freely shares tools and resources on her site, including downloadable support sheets.  This one talks about about the concept of "micromovements," a concept that has been very helpful to me.  "Micromovements" are tiny, easy steps that when added all together can create something that may otherwise feel too big or unrealistic.  

Wednesday 23 March 2011


Great little collection of "|manifestos", words to live by from great minds.
What would your manifesto include?  Here is what I came up with.

April's Manifesto 2011:
1. only say yes when you mean it with all you heart
2. doubt means don't (thanks oprah)
3. life is short. do what you want to do now, not later.
4. make mistakes; mistakes are inevitable, embrace them as part of the process.
5. If you wait for all the stars to align, you will never do the thing you want to do. 
6. if you set out just to be liked, you will be prepared to compromise almost anything to anyone (thank you margaret thatcher.)
7. make your home your sanctuary.  home should be a nourishing, rejuvinating, safe place away from the rest of the world.   
8. we spend a great amount of our lives at work. Do what you love, money will follow.
9.relationships should make life easier, not harder. They call it “partnership” for a reason.
10: most important: if nothing else, listen to your gut.  Your head can lead you astray, your heart can’t be trusted. Your gut never lies. it can save your life or change your world.

Sunday 13 March 2011

how to make an encaustic transfer

Making an encaustic transfer is pretty easy once you get the hang of it.  It is a great way to add extra detail and interest to your work. First, you need to select an image or draw one if you prefer.  Then you make a photocopy (toner or laser only, ink jet will not work).

Then warm the wax of the encaustic background and place your image where you want it.   I used a spoon to rub down on the image. 
This part actually takes a bit of muscle power.  Using wax paper on the back of the image helps things along.
With a damp cloth, wet the back of the paper and clean off the image.  Voila!  Gorgeous, versatile transfers!
Have Fun!

Sunday 6 March 2011


How does one avoid forming expectations?  And in my case today, the sense of disappointment that sometimes follows.  I often find myself at the risky intersection between planning and outcome.  You try to create something, but it can be hurtful when it does not materialize as you hoped.

 I suppose the remedy is to shift the emphasis onto the process itself.  Any positive outcome then becomes a bonus, a pleasant surprise.  The process is the product, so to speak.  Although intellectually this makes perfect sense to me, my less refined heart still disagrees.  And when I become too focused on what should be, then loose sight of what is wonderful and magical and glorious about already IS.