Wednesday 31 August 2011


Envy is a wonderful thing!  Envy tells us that we have seen something that speaks to us, to our own unique drives and desires.  It's kind of light a flashing street sign, giving us information and direction so we can better steer our own course. (do not confuse envy with evil, competitiveness or anger,  envy does not seek to harm or compete).  Today's task is to let a little envy inspire you!

Here's the challenge:   Soak up a little ENVY!
      1. Ask yourself who inspires you.  Could be anyone, for any reason.   
      2. What do you like about this person?  What quality do you envy?
      3. Now write about it, talk about it or create something that reminds you of it.
      4.  Soak in a little of those good envy vibes. Enjoy!

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