Thursday 15 September 2011

Growing Pains

I know that life is cyclical, a never ending rollercoaster of highs and lows, and ongoing journey of mountains and valleys.  However, whenever I find my self in a valley- I resist- each and every time.  (this I admit sheepishly and with reluctance, for my ideal self can not only predict the lows, but accepts them with grace and ease.)  Unfortunately, I react as though I'm on a road trip, waking up in the passenger seat, expecting to see Disneyland, but realizing instead that we're stopped with a flat tire in a deserted town.  At 3 am. On a Sunday.

I recently heard the phrase "Lean into the discomfort."  Intellectually, this made perfect sense.  Pain often means we are growing, stretching, learning. We are moving outside of the familiar and predictable on this wild ride called life (and isn't that what it's all about, anyway?)

So here's my mantra this week: 
I will stop pushing forwards to the future.  I will not think about what just passed.  I will put my focus on the here and now and enjoy what is.  I will let you know how it works out....

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